On April 13, 2023, a press conference was held at the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus on the topic The Work of State Bodies on The Development of The "Green" Economy in The Republic of Belarus.
The speakers from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus were Alexander Tchaikovsky, Director General of the Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus on Bioresources, and Dmitry Grummo, Director of the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V.F. Kuprevich of the NAS of Belarus. At the press conference, the participants highlighted the issues of implementing the principles of sustainable consumption and production, conservation and sustainable use of the biological and landscape diversity of the country, scientific support for the transition to a "green" economy.
Alexander Tchaikovsky said: "Belarus is a country that has signed a number of international treaties and conventions, including those related to the protection of biological and landscape diversity. Priority directions are defined in the National Strategy and in the Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity of the Republic of Belarus. A number of organizations of the Academy of Sciences are responsible executors of significant activities of this Action Plan."
Dmitry Grummo noted that the organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are also engaged in promising pilot projects in the field of electric transport development, implementation of the smart cities concept, increasing the use of renewable sources. Much attention is paid to the production of organic products and the agriculture development, the digital agriculture development. Dmitry Gennadievich also said that everyone has the opportunity to influence or participate in the "green" economy implementation: "We are approaching big holidays, which are always associated with the fact that we go to cemeteries, decorate them with artificial flowers. We remove about one million artificial flowers a year: their decomposition takes place from 100 to 500 years, if we burn them, there are dioxins, other pollutants. I urge everyone to still carry fresh flowers to the cemetery, plant perennials, dwarf shrubs so that this problem of artificial waste, artificial flowers is reduced and minimized." The press conference was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Housing and Utilities.